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Environmental testing

Water analyses

Tested parametr Test method
Aliphatic hydrocarbons content. Determination of the C7-C30 hydrocarbons’ sum – gas chromatography 089/PN-94/C-04643
Determination of ammonium - Part 1: Manual spectrometric method

PN-ISO 7150-1

Total nitrogen content. Calculation method

Internal test method


Determination of nitric nitrogen – colorimetric method with sodium salicylate


Determination of nitrites: molecular absorption spectrometric method

PN-EN 26777

Detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria - Membrane filtration method

PN-EN ISO 9308-1
Enumeration of culturable micro-organisms. Colony count by inoculation
in a nutrient agar culture medium
PN-EN ISO 6222
Examination and determination of colour

PN-EN ISO 7887

Determination of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) in n-days

PN-EN 1899

Determination of free chlorine and total chlorine - Titrimetric method using N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine

PN-ISO 7393-1

Determination of chloride - Silver nitrate titration with chromate indicator (Mohr's method)

PN-ISO 9297

Determination of the chemical oxygen demand (COD) – dichromate method 037/2007/PN-74/C-04578/03
Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD) - Small-scale sealed-tube method

PN-ISO 15705

Determination of free carbon-dioxide in water

PN-74/ C-04547.01

Determination of anionic surfactants by measurements of the methylene blue index. MBAS

PN-EN 903

Determination of phenol index - 4-Aminoantipyrine spectrometric methods after distillation

PN-ISO 6439

Determination of phosphorus - Ammonium molybdate spectrometric method PN-EN ISO 6878
Determination of total phosphate and o-phosphate content in circulating water Internal test method
Determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen. Method after mineralization with selenium PN-EN 25663
Method for corrosivity of water in the absence of heat transfer (Weight Loss Method) ASTM D 2688
Determination of dissociated silica by colorimetric method with ammonium molybdate and methol as a reductant


Determination of 33 elements by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry PN-EN ISO 11885
Determination of turbidity PN-EN ISO 7027
Determination of the pH value of water and sewage with electrolytic conductivity of 10 uS/cm and more
– electrometric method


Determination of the total content of organic substances extractable with petroleum ether – weight method


Determination of sulphates(VI) with gravimetric method with barium chloride PN-ISO 9280
Determination of sulphides in water and sewage

Internal test method

Determination of dry residue, residue on ignition, loss on ignition and dissolved substances,
dissolved mineral substances and dissolved volatile substances


Determination of dissolved oxygen—iodometric method PN-EN 25813
PN-ISO 5813
Determination of the sum of calcium and magnesium. EDTA titrimetric method PN-ISO 6059
Determination of calcium content. EDTA titrimetric method PN-ISO 6058
Non-carbonate and carbonate hardness of water and hydrogen carbonate content – calculation method

Internal test method


Determination of permanganate index

PN-EN ISO 8467
Determination of total and phenolphtaleine alkalinity PN-EN ISO 9963-1
Determination of suspended solids - Method by filtration through glass fibre filters. PN-EN 872
Determination of iron - Spectrometric method using 1,10-phenanthroline PN-ISO 6332
Determination of total chromium – colorimetric method with diphenylcarbazide PN-77/C-04604/02
Determination of hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) and trivalent chromium (Cr3+) PN-77/C-04604/08
Determination of the total number of bacteria, fungi and yeasts and
sulphate-reducting bacteria – biological test method

According to the producer’s guidelines